“Sacred Wars” in the Field of Muslim Demonology

Pavel Basharin

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24848/islmlg.02.2.02

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Pavel Basharin's article touches on changing demonology of Muslim Iran as it concerns beliefs on the wars that happen between supernatural creatures. Such wars are mentioned so in Arabic as in Persian literature. Their general principles concerning battles of jinns and ghuls against diwsperis against fravashis and jinns can be reconstructed on the ground of a number of literary stories about the wars between supernatural creatures from Iranian (Sogdian text about Rustam, Shah-nama) and Arabian epic stories to fairy tales from the 1001 Nights. These wars represented struggle of two eternal principles of Good and Evil. Their fighters, who pursuit the same high aims, personify a cosmic principle of the world in the battle with their enemy. The author stresses a basic difference dividing Arabian and Persian folk tradition in the matter. While the latter insists on social hierarchy in both human and supernatural world, the former does not believe supernatural creatures including ghulsjinnsshaytans a kind of social beings.



demonology; Iran; Arabic world; epics; folklore; sacral wars


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24848/islmlg.02.2.02