Shihabaddin Mardjani in the Dagestani manuscripts in the context of discussions of idjtihad in the first third of the 20th century

Shamil Shikhaliev


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The article is devoted to the references to the Tatar scholar Shihabaddin Mardjani in the Dagestani Arabic-script manuscripts written in the first third of the 20th century. Daghestani scholars noted the important role of Mardjani and his works in the intellectual history of Islam. For this reason, they travelled to Kazan to get an acquaintance with him and copied his works. Dagestani scholars wrote reviews on his works as well as dedicated poems to Mardjani himself. Later, the name Mardjani entered the Dagestani legal tradition in the framework of debates on taqlid and ijtihad. Along with classical Arab scholars, the name of Mardjani has been often referred in Daghestani manuscripts on the theory of Muslim Law. Althoug Dagestani Muslim jurists held different views on issues of taqlid and ijtihad, each of them interpreted the ideas of Mardjani on Islamic legal issues in his own way. Regardless of their preferences in the matters of theory of Islamic law, Dagestani scholars highly valued the authority of Mardjani as a one of the major scholars in the Islamic World.


Daghestan, Manuscripts, Shihabaddin Mardjani, Ijtihad, Taqlid, Arabic Poetry


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