Persian manuscripts on Sufism in the collection of the Scientific Library of Kazan Federal University

Alsu Arslanova

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The object of this article is the collection of Persian handwritten books of Sufi content stored in the funds of the Eastern Sector of the Lobachevsky Scientific Library of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University and some results of their scientific cataloging. Unfortunately, this rich written heritage remains largely inaccessible to scientists and readers. We have identified 117 lists of Persian manuscripts on Sufism and hagiographic Sufi literature, brief information about which is included in the inventory books. Thus, it can be stated that this section is the most significant in the considered part of the collection. For the most part, these copies contain works known in the scientific literature, although not all of them have been equally studied and used by researchers. In general, the copies date from a wide chronological framework — from the XIII to the beginning of the XX century. Their geography, indicating the place of correspondence, is significant — Kazan, Baghdad, Kabul, Central Asia, Bukhara, Istanbul.


Scientific Library after N.I. Lobachevsky of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University; Sufizm, collection of Persian manuscripts; cataloging


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