Doctrinal principles and ritual practice of Naqshbandiyya order

Hamed Naji Isfahani

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The Naqshbandiyya Order is a Sufi order founded by Khwaja Baha’ addin Muhammad Naqshband Bukharayi (718-791 H/1318-1389), which is an offshoot of the tariqa Khwajagan. Therefore, the origins of this mystical brotherhood should be sought in the views of Khwaja Yusuf Hamadani (440- 535 H/1048-1140) and Khwaja ‘Abd al-Khaliq Ghijduvani (d. 575 H/1180). Despite the great chronological distance, Khwaja Baha’ ad-din Naqshband considered himself a direct disciple of Khwaja ‘Abd al-Khaliq Ghijduvani.
After Khwaja Baha’ ad-din Muhammad, the Naqshbandiyya became widespread in Transoxiana and Khorasan in a short period of time, and bis predecessors Khwaja ‘Ala ad-din Attar (d. 802 H/1400), Muhammad Parsa (d. 822 H/1420) and Ya’qub Charkhi (d. 851 H/1447), performed the duties of Murshids and played an important role in popularizing this tariqa, so that after the appearance of Khwaja ‘UbaydaUah Ahrar (806-895 H/1404-1489), the most influential sheikh of the Timuridperiod, this tariqa gained even greater influence and fame.
The teaching of this Sufi order is based on complete submission to the norms of Sharia, following the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, distancing from innovations and constancy in worship, and therefore aroused respect even among opponents of Sufism and traditionalists (ahi al-hadith).
This article aims to outline the principles and foundations of the Naqshbandiyya and give an overview of its meditative practices (muraqabd), thereby presenting the reader with a consistent presentation of the principles of spiritual selfimprovement (suluk) of this tariqa.


Naqshbandiyya; Baha’ ad-din Muhammad Naqshband; muraqaba; Naqshbandiyya principles


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