Manuscript heritage of Tatar intellectuals in the fonds Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences
The article is dedicated to the manuscript heritage of Tatar scholars held in Abu Rayhan Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, one of the richest manuscript repositories in the world. Works of manuscripts of Tatar theologians such as Abdurahim Utyz-Imyani, Abu al-Nasr Qursawi, Shihabaddin Mardjani, and Hisam al-Din b. Sharaf al- Din al-Bulgari, Kamal al-Din b. Siraj al-Din al-Uribfori al-Kazani, ̒Ayn al-Din b. Jalal al-Din al-Kazani, Abu al-Sharaf Husain b. Abu Umar al- Bulgari, Muhammad Latif b. Abdulislam al-Bulgari are analyzed. Based on a review of the manuscripts, it is established that some of them have not yet been catalogued. It is argued that the works of Tatar scholars were mainly devoted to religious subjects. The role of Tatar scholars in the creation of commentaries and works on legal, medical and Sufi terms is analyzed in order to make the works accessible to a wide range of people seeking knowledge.
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