“Jamaatization” of Islam: Shift in the Form of Self-Organization of Turkish Muslim Congregations under the Laicism

Ilshat Saetov

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24848/islmlg.06.2.08

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This paper investigates changes happened in different types of Muslim congregations (including lodges of Sufi brotherhoods) in Turkey during the modernization. The transformations are examined in a number of intersecting social spaces - social, family, political and institutional, spiritual, educational and global. The author reflects on main challenges faced Muslims and stipulated “djamaatization” of Islam in Turkey, such as secularization, industrialization, urbanization, individualization, demoralization, migration, informatization and globalization. The focus is made on tasks of djamaats and possible risks that might arise from this.


muslim congregations; Djamaat; modernization; Turkey


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24848/islmlg.06.2.08