Historical and cultural heritage of Shihabaddin Mardjani in the mirror of the Tatar-language emigre press of the Interwar period

Dilara Usmanova

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24848/islmlg.09.1.04

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The article analyzes the materials of Turkic Tatar emigre press of the middle — second half of the 1930s dedicated to the memory of Shihabaddin Mardjani (1818-1889). A series of publications on the personality and creative heritage of a renowned Tatar theologian appeared at the end of 1935-1937 in celebration of his 120th birth anniversary. The largest array of such publications was published in two Tatar-language periodicals: the journal “Yeni Milli Yul” (Berlin) and the newspaper “Milli Bayraq” (Mukden). Part of those publications were probably initiated by the leader of Tatar political emigration Gayaz Iskhaki. Perhaps, this explains the fact that Shihabaddin Mardjani’s personality and heritage were elucidated in the context of national discourse. In particular, in the articles analyzed the authors discussed the role and place of the Tatar theologian in the development of the Turkic-Tatar historical heritage and more importantly appraised his contribution to the formation of national identity. The latter aspect was considered by political emigration speakers as the most important factor in preserving the national identity of Tatar communities “in exile”. It should be mentioned that the anniversary date (mid-January 1936) chosen by the Turkic Tatar emigration raises certain doubts about the accuracy of that date. Probably, this miscalculation occurred as a result of the incorrect conversion of dates from the Muslim calendar to the Gregorian one. Nevertheless, anniversary publications in the emigre press do not lose their value for the understanding and analyzing the national discourse that dominated in the emigrant environment in the Interwar period.


Tatar emigre press, anniversary articles, Shihabaddin Mardjani, Gayaz Iskhaki, the journal “Yeni Milli Yul”, the newspaper “Milli Bayraq”


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24848/islmlg.09.1.04