The humanistic intention of Jadidist exegetic (case study of “Fiqh al-Qur’an” by Musa Bigiev)
The article presents an analysis of the commentary to the sura “The Opening One” (al-Fatiha) and the first five ayats of the sura “the Cow” (al-Baqara) by the Russian Muslim theologian-reformer Musa Jarullah Bigiyev (1874-1949) “Fiqh al-Qurʼan” (The Understanding of the Qurʼan). It is a unique example of the jadidist reading of the Qurʼan and contains the basic principles of this movement — the rejection of the imitation of tradition, the use of the methodology of European science, humanistic intention expressed in anthropocentrism, rationalism, social orientation and religious inclusiveness.
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