Review of the book "Ahmetzyan Mustafin: From the History of Islam in the USSR" by Islam Zaripov and Marat Safarov
The book of Islam Zaripov and Marat Safarov is the result of a long and scrupulous historical and anthropological study.
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Zaripov, I.A., Safarov, M.A. (2017). Akhmetzyan Mustafin: iz istorii islama v SSSR. Moskva: ID «Medina».
Safarov, M.A. (2012). Povsednevnaya zhizn' moskovskikh musul'man v 1960-1980-kh godakh // Neprikosnovennyy zapas. № 4 (84). S. 139-148.
Ulitskiy, Ye.N. (2006). Istoriya Moskovskoy yevreyskoy obshchiny. Dokumenty i materialy. Moskva: KORA Olimp.