Transformation of Sufism in the Light of Religious Policy and Mountaineers' Migration in Dagestan in the 1930s-1990s

Shamil Shikhaliev


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The Soviet government's post-WWII resettlement policy as well as the spontaneous migrations of highlanders to the lowlands in the 1990s has deeply modified vectors and contents of the development of Dagestan's religious culture. Despite the harsh measures successively taken by the Soviet power against Sufism, and the overall secularization policy implemented in the USSR, rural mass migration from uplands to lowlands produced unprecedented change in the level of religious consciousness and of religious culture among open country dwellers. Lowland districts, initially secularised after the antireligious campaigns of the 1920s-30s, were transformed in the 1950s-80s by the immigration of settlers from the highlands into major religious centres with different types of religious culture, from the Sufis of varied affiliations to non-Sufi bearers of the Shafii juridical tradition and recent Salafis, endowed with the diverse confessional cultures borne, respectively, by dwellers and settlers.


religious culture; Daghestan; resettlement policy; migration


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