Debates around Ibādah between Shihab ad-Din Marjani and his opponents

Dinara Mardanova


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Dinara Mardanova's article is focused on the problem of Ijtihād and Taqlīd through the debates of Tatar 'ulama' concerning the reform of Muslim law in the section of worship (ibādah). In connection with the problem of Ijtihād and Taqlīd the following issues are discussed: the question of the night prayer 'isha in the Volga-Ural region, the problem of the authority of legal sources, the question of the use of rational methods of cognition in religion as Shariah evidence. All these issues began to be widely discussed after the publication of the work of the famous writer and scholar Sh. Mardjani Nazura al-hakk in 1870. His work provoked the appearance of a number of critical essays, the most famous of which was Jaruda (1874). The analysis of the unfolding debates between Marjani and his opponents allows to see how Muslim scholars adapted the Islamic legal tradition to the social realities of life in the Russian Empire under the conditions of modernizing traditional society.


end of the 19th century, the Russian Empire, Volga-Ural, Marjani, ijtihād / taqlīd, night prayer ‘isha, authority, rationality, reform (islah)


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