Muslims in Great Britain: Dynamics of Population Size and Transformation of Society

Asia Ayupova


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The paper of A.R. Ayupova deals with answers of Muslim communities in Great Britain to challenges of the modern globalizing world. In the twentieth century Muslim diaspora in the country changed a lot. First, its identity was much influenced by colonial legacy of the British Empire. Massive immigration was caused first by reasons of economic development in England of the mid-twentieth century. From the 1980s British Muslim population increased due to political immigrant flows from the Middle East and other Asian and African countries of the Third World. In the 1990s 68,000 immigrants are estimated to have been installed in Great Britain. In diaspora they formed communities according to their ethnic, confessional and regional origin. Adherents of Islam constitute today the second largest confession after Christianity. Transformation of Muslim diaspora is going on.


Muslims of Great Britain; globalization; migration; colonialism; Third World countries


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