Origins of the Middle East conflict: a formation of Israeli State

Gumer Isaev


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The article is a summary of the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict with the analysis of the role played by the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the United States. The author traces the history of Jewish colonization of Palestine since the beginning of the 19th century., the rise of the Zionist movement and Zionist approach to the local Arab population. The main part of the paper discusses various attempts to resolve the conflict first under the British Mandate, and then in the framework of the UN Special Commission on Palestine. Special attention is paid to the position of the superpowers. The author consideres in detail the reasons for Arab’s defeat in the first Arab-Israeli war and its outcome: the acquisition of Israel, the Palestinian refugee problem, the change of the international position of Israel. At the conclusion, the authorpovides us with an analysis of reasons for the Israeli gradual turn towards the United States and the temporary break in relations with the USSR in 1953.


Palestine; Arab-Israeli conflict; Zionism; Mandatory Palestine; cold war; UN; emergence of Israel


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