Some views on the life of Muslim women in Turkestan in the late XIX - early XX centuries

Sanobar Shadmanova


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Issues of public health and education of Muslim women much gained in importance in Russian Turkestan in the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries. In the 1880s European classes, clinics and other institutions were set up in local towns. The first clinic for indigenous Muslim women and children, for instance, appeared in Tashkent in 1883. Gradually they caught on. These changes were well reflected in mass media, mostly newspapers, which constitute an important yet poorly studied primary source for the study of pre-Revolutionary Turkestan.


printed media; Muslim women; public health service; education; Turkestan


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Туркестанские ведомости. 1875, № 22; 1889, № 11; 1915, № 125, 126;

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