Roundtable “Being a Muslim in Russia: Contexts, Theories, and Methods of Studying Muslim Identity”

Round table discussion


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The main question of this event may seem extremely general, but, in our opinion, it is no less relevant and important: how best to study Islam and Muslims in Russia? One often gets the impression that we can hardly speak of a community of researchers on Islam as such. For example, anthropologists of religion may not intersect with specialists in medieval Muslim literature in the research space, and both of them study different aspects of the Islamic tradition. However, the increasing complexity of communication processes and the emergence of new contexts are transforming not only religious reality and Muslim identity, but also approaches to its study. Classical approaches from within the discipline of Oriental Studies are clearly not enough: researchers increasingly turn to the tools of sociology, political science, mass-media studies, and so on. The main purpose of this event was to initiate an interdisciplinary discussion of the current experiences and prospects of modern scholarship on Islam.


Islam in Russia; islamic studies; sociology of Islam; anthropology of Islam; discourse


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