On Some Features of the Wird Brotherhood Established by Batal-hajji Belkhoroev

Makka Albogachieva

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24848/islmlg.05.1-2.13

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The most popular Sufi brotherhood among the Ingushes is Qadiriyya, introduced into Ingushetia lately, in the second half of the XIXth century by the local Sufi master Kunta-hajji Kishiev. A special role in its history played Batal-Hadji Belkhoroyev (1824-1914), the founder of one of the branches (wird) of the brotherhood. This paper provides reader with reconstruction of still poorly known history of this branch of Qadiriyya, as well as life story of Batal-hajji, his spiritual initiation and Sufi activities. In addition it contains analysis of the innovations introduced by Batal-hajji in the Qadiri ritual practices. The author traces the fate of his family members in the years of revolution and describes development of the Batal-hajji’s Sufi lodge (wird) in the twentieth century.


Sufism; Qadiriyya wird; Batal-hajji; ritual practices; Ingushetia


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24848/islmlg.05.1-2.13