Treatise Kitab al-saihur fi naqd al-dayhur by al-Hallaj and its Place in the Early Sufi Tradition

Pavel Basharin


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Pavel Basharin presents publication and translation the treatise Kitab at-sayhur fi naqd al-dayhur by al-Hallaj founded by A. Firkovitch in Hebrew-Arabic version. It is accompanied with a detailed historical introduction and comments focusing on the issue of authenticity of this treatise. A special attention is paid to parallels of al-Hallaj's work with classic examples of medieval Sufi literature such as Fi-hi ma fi-hi by Jalal ad-Din Rumi. Basharin shows the importance of notions of sayhur and dayhur as they were referred to and developed in the Arabic tradition including Hallaj's works and their substantial commentary by Ibn 'Arabi in his famous al-Futuhat ai-makiyya.



al-Hallaj; Sufism; Sufi literature; Ibn ‘Arabi; translation


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