Shihabaddin Mardjani (1818-1889), a Muslim Scholar, Historian and Religious Reformer

Ahmet Kanlidere


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The main purpose of this study is to detect the environmental thoughts and influences over Shihabaddin Mardjani’s intellectual development and his mental contacts during his early youth. Therefore, this research will focus on these questions: What was the true nature of his thoughts of reform? To what extent Mardjani was able to carry out his projects of reforming madrasa? To what extent Mardjani’s ideas were influential over the next generation of the Tatar intellectuals? In order to reply these questions, this study deals with the stages of his life, and then analyzes the changes in the historiography about Mardjani’s ideas. Finally, the research is evaluated his thoughts that gave him a qualification of being a Muslim reformer.


Mardjani, reform within Islam, Tatar ulema, Kazan Tatar historiography, madrasa reform.


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