Sociology of Islamic and Customary Law in Post-Conflict Settlement: Novolak Conflict in Dagestan

Konstantin Kazenin


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The paper examines what is legal pluralism and how it works in semi-autonomous social field of rural district. In the case of Novolak district the post-Soviet state organized migration of Chechen families of deported origin at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s and thus stipulated a serious conflict between Chechens and Laks who were in their turn forcibly settled in this area in 1944 and moved to the lands to the north of Makhachkala. Sociological analysis of interviews with representatives of both sides involved in the conflict shows how migrants put into practice norms of non-official customary (adat) and Islamic (Sharia) religious legal traditions completing and competing with the official Russian law.


resettlement policy; North Caucasus; customary law; islamic law; official law


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