Remembering Islam in the Soviet Union

From the editors

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Dear reader, this is a new issue of Islamology journal devoted to the study of Islam in the Soviet Union. Articles brought together in this issue problematize the language of historical sources in the trans-regional perspective beyond the established chronological boundaries.


Blouin Francis (2011), Rosenberg William G. Processing the Past: Contesting Authority in His- tory and the Archives. Oxford University Press.

Bustanov Alfrid K. (2017). “The Language of Moderate Sala sm in Eastern Tatarstan,” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 28 (2017), 183-201.

DeWeese Devin (2011). “Survival Strategies: Re ections on the Notion of Religious “Sur- vivals” in Soviet Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Religious Life in Central Asia,” Mühlfried F., Sokolovskiy S. (eds.). Exploring the Edge of Empire: Soviet Era Anthropology in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Zürich; B.: Lit Verlag, P. 35-58.

Kemper Michael (2012), Shikhaliev Shamil. “Administrative Islam: Two Soviet Fatwas from the North Caucasus”, Islamic Authority and the Russian Language: Studies on Texts from Euro- pean Russia, the North Caucasus and the West Siberia, ed. by Alfrid K. Bustanov and Michael Kemper. Amsterdam: Pegasus. P. 55-102.

Krämer Gudrun, Schmidtke Sabine (eds.) (2006). Speaking for Islam: Religious Authorities in Muslim Societies. Brill.

Tasar Eren (2016). “The O cial Madrasas of Soviet Uzbekistan,” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 59, 265-302.

Weinrich Harald (2006). Lethe: The Art and Critique of Forgetting. Cornell University Press.

Babadzhanov B.M. (2004), Muminov А.K., Olkott M.B. Mukhammadzhan KHindustani (1892- 1989) i religioznaya sreda ego ehpokhi (predvaritel'nye razmyshleniya o formirovanii «sovetskogo islama» v Srednej Аzii) // Vostok, No 5. S. 43-59.

Babadzhanov B.M. (2007), Muminov А.K., fon Kyugel'gen. Disputy musul'manskikh reli- gioznykh avtoritetov v TSentral'noj Аzii v KHKH veke. Аlmaty: Dajk-Press.

Babadzhanov B.M. (2015) Ob islame «khoroshem» i islame «plokhom»: opyt personal'nogo uchastiya v religioznoj ehkspertize // Alatoo Academic Studies 4, 34-46.

Bessmertnaya O.YU. (2017) Tol'ko li marginalii? Tri ehpizoda s «musul'manskim russkim yazykom» v pozdnej Rossijskoj imperii // Islamology, t.7, No1. S. 140-179.

Ғylmani S. (2015). Zamanamyzda bolғan ғүlamalardyң ғұmyr tarikhtary. I tom / ZHauapty shyғarushylar: Ә.Қ. Muminov, А.Dzh. Frank. Kіrіspe, қazaқshaғa zhәne aғylshynshaғa audarma, tүsіndіrmeler men kөrsetkіshterdі dajyndaғandar: Ә.Қ. Muminov, А.Dzh. Frank, А.SH. Nұrmanova, S. Mollaқanaғatұly, Ү.А. Өtepbergenova, T.ZH. ZHұmanov. Аlmaty: Dajk- Press.

Shikhaliev SH.SH. (2010). «Аl-Dzhavab as-sakhikh li-l-akh al-musallakh» ‘Аbd al-KHafiza Okhlinskogo // Dagestan i musul'manskij Vostok. Sbornik statej / sost. i otv. red. А.K. Аlikberov, V.O. Бобровников. М.: ИД Марджани. С. 324-340.